Desperate to Become Pregnant

Michelle Really Desperate to Become Pregnant...

Pregnancy is the fulfillment of motherhood. No wonder many and many women desperate to become pregnant.

Michelle is not an exception.

"I went to every doctor. I read every book on getting pregnant. I've tried everything.... Why I can't get pregnant?"

She keep asking herself this same question month after month. She thought she was doing everything right. She tried relaxing more, not thinking about it so much, exercised more, saw specialists. And yet she still not becoming pregnant.

Chances of Getting Pregnant...

How long will it take to become pregnant? Some fertility experts said that, normally, couples who are fertile have a chance of 20 to 30 percent of getting pregnant at per cycle. And, about eighty four percent of couples can have the possibility of conceiving within one year of their marriage, if they have unprotected regular intercourse.

But there are also many couples who are healthy, both mind and body, that take years than they expected still waiting to get pregnant.


In fact, there are some factors which can impact a person's fertility. These factors include the person's age, diet and her lifestyle. Also, it depends on her partner's age, diet and his occupation and lifestyle.

Further, it also depends on the chronic illness or on poor reproductive health of the person. Lastly, the factor can be as how regular the couples have intercourse.

Amazing Discovery...

Not one to give up easily and certainly not one to take someone's word for things, Michelle set about digging up everything she could about getting pregnant. What she discovered over the course of twelve months of research surprised her, but most of all a lot of what she discovered amazed her.

She went through so much trial and error, discovered so much information and figured out exactly what it would take to get pregnant and have the baby of her dreams. She read hundreds of clinical trial papers, spent hours on end at the library researching reproduction and studied countless articles, medical reports, web sites, books, transcripts, research papers and forum posts. She spent many hours (and dollars!) in consultation with different "fertility specialists" and even they didn't tell her half of what she discovered!